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While Medicare will provide some coverage for your medical bills, it was never intended to pay for all of your expenses. A hospital stay, prolonged outpatient treatment, or expensive monthly prescription could be financially devastating if you are relying on Medicare alone. Fortunately, there are some options. Medicare supplements, Medicare Part D coverage, and Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug plans can all help limit your exposure to big out-of-pocket expenses.

JME can help! The experienced agents at JME Insurance Agency can help you navigate the multitude of insurance plans available to determine which one is right for you.


More Medicare Info

Extra Benefits if you have a BCBSTX Medicare Supplement

Blue Medicare Supplement Insurance plans offer benefits above and beyond standard insurance benefits, including a 24/7 nurse line, vision and hearing discounts and allowances, and health & wellness discounts through…

Changing from Marketplace Coverage to Medicare

The below information is taken from the website.  Print this Page. If you have a Marketplace plan, you can keep it until your Medicare coverage starts. Then you can… message about traveling outside the United States

Medicare sent the following email to Medicare beneficiaries to let them know that they have only very limited coverage for medical care when traveling outside the United States. This confirms…

New Medicare IDs do not use letters that look like numbers

Medicare is sending out new Medicare cards with new ID numbers in an effort to reduce the chance of identity theft (the old numbers were based on the Social Security…

Medicare Effective Dates for Late Enrollees

We recently received a call from a gentleman who did not sign up for Medicare three years ago when he was first eligible. He finally decided to enroll, so he…

You’ll soon be receiving a new Medicare card! And a new Medicare number.

Medicare beneficiaries will soon be receiving new Medicare cards along with a new Medicare number thanks to a 2015 law that requires the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to remove…

New Password Requirements for Blue Access for Members

BCBSTX is requiring all members to change their password on their next login to Blue Access for Members.

Medicare & You 2018 Handbook now available

Each year, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) prepares a detailed handbook to answer your Medicare-related questions, and the 2018 version is now available. Use this handbook as a resource…

CMS Announces Medicare Premiums and Cost Sharing for 2017

Today, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced the 2017 premiums for the Medicare inpatient hospital (Part A) and physician and outpatient hospital services (Part B) programs. Medicare…

Why employees of small companies should sign up for Medicare Part B

When an individual turns 65 or is on Social Security Disability for 2 years, he or she is eligible for Medicare Part A (hospital insurance) and Part B (medical insurance)…

2016 Medicare Parts A & B Premiums and Deductibles Announced

Today, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced the 2016 premiums and deductibles for the Medicare inpatient hospital (Part A) and physician and outpatient hospital services (Part B)…

Can I have Medicare and an HSA?

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are great, and they're growing in popularity every single year. But a lot of people are working past age 65 nowadays, and some choose to sign…

Can I postpone Medicare if I have coverage through my employer?

As more and more people are working past age 65, this question is becoming more common. Employees who are eligible for their group health plan may find that the group…

Who pays first – Medicare or Employer coverage?

We get this question all the time. More and more people are working past age 65 nowadays, and for a variety of reasons some people choose to sign up for…

The Medicare Part B premium varies with income

You may already know that you pay a monthly premium for Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) once you sign up for Medicare, but did you know that the amount you pay…

Medicare Supplement Comparison Chart

One nice thing about Medigap plans is that they’re standardized, which means that a plan F from one insurance company, for instance, covers the same basic benefits as a plan…

When can I buy Medigap?

Here's a handy guide from which explains when people can purchase Medicare supplement insurance policies. Buy a policy when you're first eligible The best time to buy a Medigap…

Can I have Medicare and retiree coverage?

This is a great question, and here's the answer straight from the horse's mouth: Yes. When you become eligible for Medicare, you'll need to enroll in both Part A and…

Your Guide to Medicare Preventive Services

A lot of people are critical of the Affordable Care Act, but one of the nice things the ACA did is expand the list of preventive services available to people…

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