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Medicare & You 2018 Handbook now available

Each year, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) prepares a detailed handbook to answer your Medicare-related questions, and the 2018 version is now available. Use this handbook as a resource to help you: Get the care you need when you…

Small employers can keep transitional plans for a few more months

On February 29, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that it was extending the timeframe for “grandmothered” or transitional plans that have not yet implemented all of the requirements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This is…

Can I have Medicare and an HSA?

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are great, and they're growing in popularity every single year. But a lot of people are working past age 65 nowadays, and some choose to sign up for their HSA-qualified employer-sponsored health plan even though they…

New IRS Resource helps Employers Understand the Health Care Law

The new ACA Information Center for Applicable Large Employers page on features information and resources for employers of all sizes on how the health care law may affect them if they fit the definition of an applicable large employer…

JME Webinar: The New Employer Reporting Requirements

Thank you to everyone who attended the New Employer Reporting Requirements webinar September 9th--we hope you found the information beneficial. As promised, you can download a copy of the presentation and access the tax forms and instructions below. The New…

Can I postpone Medicare if I have coverage through my employer?

As more and more people are working past age 65, this question is becoming more common. Employees who are eligible for their group health plan may find that the group coverage is better, either because their doctor accepts the employer…

Who pays first – Medicare or Employer coverage?

We get this question all the time. More and more people are working past age 65 nowadays, and for a variety of reasons some people choose to sign up for both Medicare and the group health coverage offered through their…

The Medicare Part B premium varies with income

You may already know that you pay a monthly premium for Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) once you sign up for Medicare, but did you know that the amount you pay for Part B varies with income? Most people will pay…

Medicare Supplement Comparison Chart

One nice thing about Medigap plans is that they’re standardized, which means that a plan F from one insurance company, for instance, covers the same basic benefits as a plan F from another company. While standardization makes the policies easy…

When can I buy Medigap?

Here's a handy guide from which explains when people can purchase Medicare supplement insurance policies. Buy a policy when you're first eligible The best time to buy a Medigap policy is during your 6-month Medigap open enrollment period, because…

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