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For most employers, health insurance is the most important benefit they can offer to their employees. It serves as a great recruitment and retention tool, and while it can sometimes make business owners and HR managers want to pull their hair out, they also realize that their workers appreciate and may even expect it. Still, finding budget-friendly options your employees actually want can be a challenge. So can keeping up with all the plan changes and compliance requirements created by the Affordable Care Act. And explaining everything in a way your employees will actually understand may be the most difficult task of all. Fortunately, we can help with all of that.

JME Insurance Agency can help you with all of your employee benefits needs.

Click the icons below for more information or give us a call at 972.245.0266.

Health Insurance

Dental Insurance

Life & Disability

Tax-Favored Accounts


Experienced Agents, Excellent Service

It all starts with our experienced team members. JME’s licensed agents will educate you on the most current industry trends, present your options in a simplified format, make recommendations based on the needs of your company and your employees, and assist you through the application process. And the hands-on service doesn’t end once your policy is active. JME will continue to provide support during the year and at renewal for you and your employees. Meet the team.

Leading Insurance Carriers

When shopping for coverage and designing your plan, we have a great selection of insurance companies to choose from, including Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas, UnitedHealthcare, Aetna, Humana, Baylor-Scott and White, and some local carriers. As an independent insurance agency, we can give impartial advice and tailor a plan to meet your needs.

Health Reform Updates

When the Affordable Care Act was signed into law back in 2010, everything changed. And it’s still changing… At JME, we study the law, determine how it will impact our clients, and develop strategies to minimize any negative impact. We’ll keep you up-to-date on the health reform legislation and tell  you what you need to know as the ACA continues to evolve.

Ancillary Benefits

Health insurance may be the most important employee benefit, but it’s certainly not the only one. That’s why we offer a full range of ancillary products that can be provided on an employer-paid or voluntary basis, including dental insurance, life and disability insurance, and tax-advantaged accounts like HSAs, FSAs, and HRAs. These can help round out your benefits package and increase employee loyalty.

Compliance Partners

Offering benefits creates a fiduciary responsibility for employers. Companies that offer health insurance must have a “plan document,” provide confusing notices to their employees, and inform various government agencies about the benefits they offer. Mistakes are common, and compliance slip-ups can result in big penalties. That’s why we partner with some great third party administrators who can make sure all the i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed.

Employee Communication

You offer health insurance and other benefits to attract and retain quality employees, so it’s important that your workers actually like the plans you offer. Of course, that’ll only happen if they understand their options. For that reason, benefits communication is one of our top priorities. We offer a number of tools to help keep your employees up-to-date and make you look like a hero.


To get a group quote, simply contact our office at 972-245-0266. JME will educate you on the most current industry trends, present your options in a simplified format, an make recommendations based on the unique needs of your company and your employees.


Health Insurance

For decades, companies large and small have offered group health insurance to their employees. Not only does a good health plan help a company attract and retain quality employees, it can create a healthier, more productive workforce.

The amount an employer spends on group health insurance is, of course, tax deductible as a business expense. Additionally, any amount an employee pays for health insurance and other benefits through a section 125 Premium Only Plan lowers the employee’s taxable income and, thus, lowers the employer’s payroll taxes.

Employees do appreciate the benefits their companies offer, especially the group health plan, and benefit not only from the employer contribution to premium but also from the company’s buying power—employees and their family members often end up with a better plan for a lower price than they could obtain in the individual market.

For all these reasons, most employers have tried to hang on to their group health plans even as premiums increase on an annual basis. The Affordable Care Act, which was signed into law back in 2010, has certainly had an impact on those premiums, but it affects employer plans in many other ways. Large employers, for instance, are now required to offer coverage to full-time employees or face a big tax penalty. With the employer mandate requirement, the definition of “full-time employee” has changed as well to include all employees working 30 hours per week or more. There are also new compliance and reporting requirements that are confusing and frustrating to employers.

In short, there are a lot of great reasons for a company to offer health insurance to its employees, but it’s also a lot more costly and time-consuming than it used to be. That’s why employers need a great benefits advisor that can help them find the right plan or plans for their employees while making sure they’re complying with all of the new laws.

At JME Insurance Agency, we’re employee benefits experts. Our experiences agents can help your company not only with your group health plan but with all of your employee benefits needs. Contact us today to learn more.

Dental Insurance

Next to health insurance, dental insurance is probably the most popular employee benefit, and for that reason it’s something every employee should at least consider.

While many employees are healthy and may rarely use their health coverage, almost all employees—along with their family members—take advantage of the dental benefit. At about a tenth of the price of health insurance, group dental coverage is a great way for a company to spend its benefits dollars.

There are a number of great dental insurance companies to choose from, and the plan designs range from preventive only to comprehensive DHMO (dental health maintenance organizations) with contracted provider networks to passive PPOs and indemnity plans. The covered benefits, waiting periods, and annual maximums also differ from plan to plan, which can make it confusing for a company to compare all its options.

JME Insurance Agency can help simplify this process. Our licensed agents will explain how dental insurance works, shop the market and present you with a number of options, and help you select a plan that’s right for your employees. Learn more.

Life & Disability Insurance

One of the best ways a company can use its group buying power is to purchase life and disability insurance for its employees. A lot of people don’t have any life insurance, even though everyone needs it, and those that do have it usually don’t have enough. Even fewer people have disability coverage, even though a short- or long-term disability can be financially devastating for a family.

The good news is that group life and disability insurance is very budget-friendly. It’s a great way for a company to round out its benefit package and make sure that its employees are taken care of.

JME Insurance Agency works with several leading life and disability insurance companies, and we would be happy to talk with you about your options. Learn more.

Tax Favored Accounts

There are three types of tax-advantaged accounts employers can set up to help their employees with their eligible medical expenses. Each of these accounts has certain advantages, but there are also rules about how to set up and administer the accounts. That’s why JME Insurance works with some great third party administrators (TPAs) to make sure your plan is set up correctly and beneficial for your employees. Learn more.


JME Insurance has been a lifesaver for our organization.  Anytime we have questions, Susan Murray and the entire staff at JME takes the time to explain the most current regulatory changes.   JME employees are professional, knowledgeable and willing to go the extra mile as it relates to customer service.  With JME on our side, it’s one less thing for us to worry about each year.  Thank you JME for being the rock stars of the insurance industry.

David McKeever

I can’t say enough good things about JME Insurance. When my business partner and I were looking for health insurance coverage, they were able to guide us to the best policy to fit our needs. Their team is knowledgeable about all the new rules and regulations of the ACA. During a recent health crisis, [our JME agent] removed our stress with her calm and reassuring manner. She has been so helpful with all our coverage and claims questions. I could not ask for better treatment! Every chance I get, I refer friends and colleagues to JME Insurance!

Chris Y

JME Insurance has taken care of our company health insurance for almost 20 years. Besides helping us choose the right group plans for our company, they also take the time to help each employee with plan knowledge and help in cases of disagreements with providers. They also have guided us through the Unaffordable Health Care Act every step of the way making sure we understood our options and our responsibilities. We would have never navigated through this horrible quagmire of confusion without their guidance. In addition they have also have helped tremendously as our employees have transitioned into Medicare. Everything from helping us register to choosing a supplemental insurances and options including prescription drug insurance selections.In today’s world it is essential to retain a health insurance broker that has the knowledge and commitment provided by JME Insurance. Their knowledge of the system is invaluable and their willingness to help is unsurpassed. I truly do not know what we would have done without JME.

William W. Wing III, President



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    At JME Insurance Agency, we’re committed to educating our clients about issues that are important to them. Below you will find a number of white papers and other resources that are designed to provide JME’s employer clients with information to help them save money, stay compliant, and get more return from their employee benefits package.

    Lowering Health Insurance Premiums - Our Ideas

    JME Insurance Agency has put this paper together to share our experiences and our thoughts about the factors contributing to the current instability in the individual and small group markets. We also have some ideas about how to reverse this disturbing and unsustainable trend.

    Why Group Insurance Is More Valuable Than Ever

    For years, employers have offered health insurance and other employee benefits in an effort to attract and retain quality employees. Now, with rapidly rising premiums and higher out-of-pocket costs in the individual market, group health insurance may be more valuable to employees than ever before.

    Educating Employees About Their Medicare Options

    If your company has Medicare-eligible employees who are currently covered on the group plan, it may be a good idea to educate them about their options. They might get better coverage at a lower cost, and because age is a big rating factor, especially for small employers, you might save a lot of money as well.

    Medicare Premium Reimbursement Arrangements

    The IRS recently confirmed that small employers with fewer than 20 employees may be able to pay the Medicare premiums for their active employees, which could save the company thousands of dollars per year. However, there’s a right way and a wrong way to set up these programs.

    2017 Employer Mandate Flowchart

    Courtesy of the Kaiser Family Foundation, this flowchart shows the updated penalties for applicable large employers that do not offer affordable health coverage that provides minimum value to their full-time employees in 2017. These figures are adjusted for inflation and higher than the 2016 penalties.


    To keep our employer clients up-to-date on issues important to them, JME sends out regular employer newsletters. We don’t send them every month but choose to wait until we have something to tell you. You can expect the newsletters to increase as we get closer to open enrollment. If your inbox is full and you’d prefer not to receive the newsletters by email, each one has an “unsubscribe” button. You can always find archived versions here in the Employer Resource Center.

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