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(On and Off Exchange)

Check HMO providers | Rx

(On and Off Exchange)

(Must have compatible plan)

(Must have compatible plan)

for Marketplace plans

through UnitedHealth One

through BCBSTX

through GeoBlue

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Individual Newsletter – March, 2017

With the 2017 open enrollment period now behind us and a new administration in the White House, we thought this would be a good time for a quick update. Here are few items that you’ll want to be aware of:…

New JME Web App to quickly contact us by phone or email

Our new JME web app allows you to quickly contact us from your IPhone, IPad, or Android style phone/notepad. From your IPhone or IPad click on the following link:  or surf to our web site and click on the FREE…

Wellness Communications: Healthy Eating for Children

Weigh the Facts One out of three children and teens in the United States are too heavy or obese. Exxtra pounds put kids at risk for getting serious health problems, including diabetes, heart disease and asthma. Childhood obesity also takes…

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