Open Enrollment is the time of year when you can purchase health insurance coverage or make changes to your existing coverage. We’ve created separate resource pages for individuals & families and for people with Medicare to help you prepare for open enrollment. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, please send us an email or give us a call at 972.245.0266.
Individual Open Enrollment Period: Nov. 1 – Jan. 31
Under the Affordable Care Act, individuals and families have an annual opportunity to purchase plans through the individual marketplace. These plans are available on a guaranteed-issue basis and you cannot be charged more for pre-existing conditions. You can also apply for a premium tax credit to help pay for your health insurance coverage. “Off exchange” plans are also available outside the marketplace during this time. The open enrollment period for 2016 effective dates begins November 1, 2015 and ends January 31, 2016.
Medicare Annual Election Period: Oct. 7 – Dec. 15
While people with Medicare can apply for a Medicare supplement at any time of the year, Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D prescription drug plans are generally available during a seven-week period from October 15 through December 7. During this time period, you can purchase an Advantage plan or Part D plan, change to a different plan, or switch from an Advantage plan back to original Medicare.