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(On and Off Exchange)

Check HMO providers | Rx

(On and Off Exchange)

(Must have compatible plan)

(Must have compatible plan)

for Marketplace plans

through UnitedHealth One

through BCBSTX

through GeoBlue

The Affordable Care Act, President Obama’s signature health reform legislation, made a number of important changes to health insurance plans, starting with the fact that they’re required. People must now have “minimum essential coverage” or pay a penalty when they file their taxes.

The good news, though, is that individual health plans now include more benefits than they used to, including things like maternity and mental health coverage. All plans are also guaranteed issue, meaning that you can’t be turned down or charged more based on pre-existing medical conditions. Finally, the government will help families with incomes up to 400% of the Federal Poverty Level who don’t have access to coverage through an employer or a government program pay for their health insurance.

The JME team can help make sure you’re meeting your requirements under the individual mandate and help you apply for a premium tax credit if you qualify.

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